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Alpha International
Alpha Invitation
Campaign – July 2014

Art Direction

Graphic Design

Got questions about life?

Run all over the world, Alpha is a series of discussions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation.

Every year Alpha advertise the Alpha Invitation, a call for people from all walks of life to take part in Alpha and discuss questions about life.

An invitation

The then Creative Director of Alpha, Alex Normanton, and I worked closely to develop an approachable and inviting concept that steered clear of the usual connotations of religious design, and built on the strapline 'Got questions about life?'.

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A down-to-earth tone of voice targetting young men to come and talk about life and faith.

A down-to-earth tone of voice targetting young men to come and talk about life and faith.

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Through both  ATL and BTL advertising campaigns, the Alpha Invitation was a great success.

Through both  ATL and BTL advertising campaigns, the Alpha Invitation was a great success.

© Wrightio Ltd            Lewis@wrightio.com